

Today (yesterday, actually) Development Tools group enjoyed the day of recreational activities.

Here comes the brief list of our activities at National Park of Gan ha-Shlosha:
  • Two team orienteering competition - The group was randomly divided into 2 teams, each of them received maps, showing where envelops with parts of a puzzle were hidden. The assembled puzzle should show where is the treasure located. I personally didn't really believed in our team's success, though made my best; but surprisingly we won.

  • Kayaks basketball game - The meaning of this weird activity was to paddle down-stream the river, to gather secret code for accessing a basketball from the supervisor, to return up-stream and while being in the kayak to score it to the basket as many times as you can. Not so exciting, honestly. But the paddling itself was awesome.
  • Massages - 3 massageurs served us, allowing massage kind selection. Generally I like massages very much, but this time it didn't do to me well.
  • Volleyball competition - I found I haven't completely forgot to play this game. My last time was about 12 years ago, but the arms still remember the movements.
  • Spontaneous water games in the river.
  • Board and card games on the river's bank.

    In the end we drove to Herb Farm restaurant and had a not bad meal with wine there.
  • 2007-06-25

    PDT and me

    Luckily, some projects I work on currently are open sourced, what makes me able to post close to everything I want about them.

    I have been involved in PDT more than one year, starting with my entrance to Zend's Development Team (After finishing to work about 4 years in the e-Business team as Zend's site developer and maintainer. 4 long, hard and pleasant years of coding PHP. Needless to say, how proud I was to start developing tools for people like ex-me - common PHP gurus.).

    Terse History
    PDT (former PHP-IDE) was born from two parents - IBM and Zend. The father dipped two mature committers, which fertilized the idea (and withdrew shortly thereafter); and mother's bosom solicitously received the contribution and started to grow it carefully. As every whelp, PDT got it's good and bad heritage from their parents. Some code chunks were (sometimes thoughtlessly) copied from JDT/JST, others were forcedly brought from Zend Studio. There were hot discussions, hard solutions, brilliant brain-waves and horrible mistakes...

    But, as we know, time heals. Now, when we are close to the first release of the product, the situation is not so bad. The model is robust, views are useful and informative, debugger support is awesome. Performance is acceptable.

    And, surprisingly or not, the project became one of the most popular among other Eclipse's ones with thousands of daily downloads, dedicated and energetic community. It conquered most of its competitors (this may be disputable) and even came close to compete with the real monster - Zend Studio itself.

    My commitment
    Now it's hard to remember each line of code I committed to the project, but fortunately and occasionally I found the amazing site of Ohloh, which kindly refreshed my memory.

    So, let's go. I've added/changed about 25k lines of code, which is not so much when comparing with some other committers. It's not surprising, since most of my code were feature improvements, performance optimizations and bug fixes. As results of my direct work which are visible with unaided eye, I can mention only these things:
  • Outline views (PHP Explorer View, Project view and Editor Outline View) synchronization,
  • Include Path trees in PHP Explorer View,
  • Files Drag-and-drop support,
  • Smart bookmark enablement and
  • The project's download site.

    That's all, folks. Not so much, honestly. But I have to mention, that I am still proud of each character I typed.

  • Hello World


    With this I am starting a blog, which will contain my experience reports on working at Zend Technologies.

    It's possibly a bit late to start just now, since I'm already an 'old' Zender, working here from September 2001. But - it's better late than never.

    In the future posts I will attempt to refresh in my memory what happened to me in these years, and ofcourse will describe what I'm doing currently. Unfortunately, however, parts of my deeds are confedential, so they will be hidden until the secrecy will become obsolete.

    For now this blog will not be published and promoted. If you are reading these lines, you probably have good reasons for that. Oh, am talking to myself?

    That's it by now.

    P.S. My English is poor, please don't judge strictly. :)